cindy: xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Rest in peace Phil. I know that you're receiving lots of hugs in Heaven. - 1/17/10, 9:24am

jared: thanks for all the love, I promise we'll post something a little more upbeat in the days to follow, maybe a trish action clip of the week is in order.... - 1/11/10, 7:46pm

Eric(In NewEngland): Judy, our heart goes out to you, your loved ones and your family. I know it is a big loss for Trish and Jared also. Big hug to you Judy. - 1/11/10, 1:08pm

Jay Rodriguez: I have a neighbor like Phil, It's good to know that there are good people in the areas we live in! - 1/11/10, 1:03pm

shalene: /hug everyone! - 1/11/10, 8:36am

Tony "trish's brother": this website has gone a little emotional lately and I think everyone needs a good hug - 1/10/10, 11:57am