Trish: Yea Ben, that is on top of one of the peaks at red rock. About an hour + hike up, just a super cool spot... - 12/19/09, 1:27pm

ben: wow that last image is amazing!!! can i ask where is this place? red rock in vegas? - 12/15/09, 10:24pm

DeAnna: man i need a better camera - 12/15/09, 6:01pm

Trish: Erin, I think that last photo of me and our buddy mark, AKA, GQ, was the inside cover of the magazine featuring las was such an awesome time in our sad to see it go... - 12/6/09, 11:52pm

erins: love love love this last one! totally awesome! you guys never cease to amaze meeeeeeeeeeeee - 12/6/09, 11:06pm

jared: sad but true, it's only Nat Geo Adv., Nat Geo, Travler and several other NG publications are still on stands this was one of the last adventure mags that was worth reading so sad.... - 12/6/09, 7:55pm

cindy: exciting, adventurous photos. i didn't know this about nat. geo. sad!!!!!! - 12/6/09, 7:08pm